Luxury Holiday Homes and Our Six Star Retreat

Luxury Holiday Homes and Our Six Star Retreat

official newsletter for luxury home owners. Edited by Sue Peach

Bunty's Tip of the Week

Ever found the perfect addition for your luxury home? That little discovery happened upon by chance when browsing through some emporium, or other, and thought, wonderful! Then sat comfortably with a lemon cordial on your bay window sofa, cum pull-out double bed, admiring your new adornment. But as your gaze shifts to the wall above the gas hob, it strikes you! that glaring red violation, the fire extinguisher.

Well, we've all been there, and we know the importance of a fire extinguisher in our holiday homes. But what if we could do something to soften the intrusion? Well here's my tip of the week...

The fire sock - a simple idea that's fun to make. Any old sock will do, and a little loop sewn into the top will act as a neat hook to hang on the fridge door handle
Next week, oven gloves with attitude.

Bunty de Brie is the home design and lifestyle correspondent for the Rhyl Examiner.

1 comment:

Anything Place said...

quite the perfect accessory for the house :)

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